Building Muscle Without A Gym

Building Muscle Without A Gym. Get Insight On How To Build Your Muscles At Home. Want To Know More? Learn More Here.

Building Muscles Without A Gym

Many teenagers and adults often ask this question on how to build muscles without having to go through a gym. Well, I have brought answers to your questions by putting up this article on how to build muscles without having to use a gym. You do not have to go very far from your house now just to build muscles as this can simply be done at your comfort zone. Interesting right? we will have to look at what muscle really is before we go into how we can build our muscles without a gym.

What is muscle?

Muscle in simple and clear terms refer to a collection of fibrous tissues which is present in both a human’s body as well as an animal’s body. Muscles are characterized by movement making and contracting.

Is it possible to build muscles without a gym?

Yes, it is very possible to build muscles without a gym but a lot of people do not even know this which is the sole purpose of this article; to give you a handful of information on how you can build muscles without going to a gym.

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How can one build muscles without a gym?

There are basically two ways that I am going to teach you how to build muscles without a gym. I will expand these two ways to build muscles without a gym for proper understanding. These are the two ways you can build muscles without a gym.

  1. Exercises
  2. Including certain food in your diet

Let us look at how we can utilize these two methods in effectively building muscles without a gym.


It should be emphasized that not all exercises are muscle building while some exercises can help you build your muscles very fast. Before trying any of these exercises, you must make up your mind to be consistent in doing so to get the proper effect of it. You must also make out a plan on how to work out these exercises without distractions. It is also important that you track your exercises to know when you meet up with your goals. Here are some of the exercises that can be done to easily build muscles fast without a gym:

  1. Jogging or running
  2. Push ups
  3. Squats
  4. Crunches
  5. dips


One may think that this is by far one of easiest method of exercising but it not as easy as we might think it is. It is normal for one to feel a little bit tired once one has covered a little distance and it takes a lot of endurance and passion to be able to keep up. However, you can make running or jogging easier for you by taking a little bit of coffee to keep you properly active and also you should learn to run or jog with the right clothes.

2.   PUSH UPS 

Right from time, push-ups have been known to help individuals properly build their muscles. They are very effective and can help build muscles around the chest area as well as the arms and shoulders. You can take advantage on this method of exercising to build muscles for yourself. Remember endurance is key whichever way you choose to exercise.

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Building muscles around the upper part of your body isn’t enough because you do not want to end up looking like Johnny bravo with muscular chests and very tiny legs. The best way to make these muscles rhyme around your body is by doing squats to help you build muscles around your leg area.


Crunches also are one of the best ways to build muscles. It helps one build muscles around the waist area. You should also focus on increasing the amount of crunches you do a day after a while.

5.   DIPS

Dips are also an effective way of exercising to build muscles without having to go to the gym. You might need to have someone around you to help you hold your legs.


Another way by which you can gain or build muscles without so much stress is by including some certain food in your diet. This way is great for people who have very busy schedules or are very busy with work. I personally find this method highly comfortable and good for me because I take food matters seriously. Let us quickly go into the ways by which one can gain or build muscles by including certain food in one’s diet or better still, the types of food that is great for building muscles without a gym.

  1. Increase your protein intake
  2. Take more carbs
  3. Ensure you eat enough of fats
  4. Take in more calories to help you build these muscles


We were taught while growing up that proteins are body building or muscle building foods. Proteins are well known repair muscles as well which means to be able to build muscles effectively; you should not go a day with at least taking protein in your food.


Carbs are also a good type of food nutrients that can help you build your muscles in no time at all. Many foods that are carbohydrates are also rich in carbs. You should include a lot of it in your diet.

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Eating enough of fats is also very important in building your muscles. If you seek to take more of fats but you are confused on how to go about it, you can simply do this by consuming fish or omega 3.


The same way by which one reduces calorie intake when trying to burn fat or muscles is the same way that one should include more calories in one’s diet to be able to build up those muscles in no time at all. Also, many carbohydrates are rich in calories.


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