Opportunity In Renewable Energy In Nigeria

Opportunity In Renewable Energy In Nigeria

Opportunity In Renewable Energy In Nigeria

The world is undergoing a serious turn around in term of technology, we often used more of nonrenewable energy in times past but are you properly informed about this change?

Renewable energy has recently made name around the globe. It is a sort of energy that cost down cost and projects a future of clean energy. Do you wish to know about renewable energy? Then you have no worries, all you have to do is keep reading as you are on the right platform.

This article has been put together with substantial information on all you need to know on Renewable energy in Nigeria as well as the opportunities it brings in Nigeria.

What is Renewable energy?

Renewable energy is most time used interchangeably with clean energy. It is simply a sort of energy that is gotten from natural sources or natural processes are keeps on growing from time to time.

Renewable energy are part of the planet’s physical structure and are constantly being replenished from time to time.

What are the sources of Renewable energy that we have?

Sources of renewable energy are simply ways by which renewable energy are gotten. The most popular sources of renewable energy are:

  1. Solar energy: Solar energy is simply energy from the sunlight and it is freely given in all parts of the world.
  2. Wind energy: The wind is a good source of clean energy. To be able to put together the electricity gotten from the wind, turbines are used to make generators work which in turn bring electricity to the national grid.
  3. Hydro energy: hydro energy is the most commercial used form of renewable energy. It can simply be gotten from building a dam or a large reservoir which a controlled amount of flowing water would be used to generate energy.
  4. Tidal energy: this is a source of renewable energy which tidal currents are used to power turbine generators. An advantage of this source of energy is that it is easily predictable.
  5. Geothermal energy: geothermal energy is developed by bringing together natural heat from below the earth’s surface.
  6. Biomass energy: This source of renewable energy is gotten from transition of solid fuels that is made from organic materials into electricity.

What is non-renewable energy?

Nonrenewable energy can simply be called the opposite of renewable energy. It is also used interchangeably with dirty energy. The sources from which nonrenewable energy is gotten from are always limited or difficult to replenish and it takes a lot of time as well.

Its sources are also not found in all parts of the world. For example, crude oil may be found in Nigeria and not be found in Zimbabwe. One of the disadvantages of nonrenewable energy is the ability of it to cause harm to the environment as well as we humans. Over use of this type of energy can also cause “global warming”.

What are the sources of nonrenewable energy we have?

There are various sources of nonrenewable energy but the most common sources we have are:

  1. Fossil fuels: These are coal, petroleum and natural gas. All fossil fuels are formed almost the same way.
  2. Nuclear energy: This kind of energy is released through nuclear fission. This is when the nucleus of an atom splits. Nuclear energy is the most common way of generating electricity in the world.

Can we run short of renewable energy?

Renewable energy is so abundant that they replenished so rapidly that they cannot finish. It is almost impossible to run short of renewable energy.

What are the differences between renewable energy and nonrenewable energy?

I have simply highlighted the differences between renewable energy and nonrenewable energy in a tabular form for easy identification.

1.      It can easily be replenished or replaced It takes a longer while to be replenished, most times, it takes millions of years.
2.      It is available all over the world without discrimination. It is not available all over the world and can differ from country to county or from place to place.
3.      It can be used over and over again It is limited and cannot be regained after use.
4.      It does not pollute the environment or cause harm to human’s health When it is burned, it creates pollution and emits carbon dioxide. They are also very harmful to human’s health.


What are the opportunities available in renewable energy in Nigeria?

Nigeria in this 21st century is faced with a lot of challenges just like another developing country. The major problem faced by Nigeria is the erratic power supply. The main sources of Nigeria’s electricity have been hydropower as well as gas.

Renewable energy sources have the ability to provide or make room for enough primary energy or electricity to meet up with our national demands. The utilization of the renewable energy is however based on meeting technological demands, enough financing in place as well as other factors.

The benefits of using renewable energy are so much and environmental researchers have shown that the use of renewable energy energy have contributed to reducing of greenhouse gases by at least 3.2kg carbon dioxide which is equals to 1kg of biodiesel.


What are the challenges faced by Nigeria on renewable energy?

The challenges faced by Nigeria on renewable energy are based on the following factors:

  1. Available technology: we do not have enough sophisticated technology available to be able to fully embark on this journey. We should be able to collaborate with other developed countries to be able to put this in place properly.
  2. The condition of the nation (politically): the condition of the nation politically is a major challenge of Nigeria on renewable energy based on alarming rate of corruption and insecurity.
  3. Weather conditions: the weather conditions in Nigeria poses a serious threat in Nigeria to renewable energy in that it cannot be properly managed.
  4. Bad economy: if we are able to improve on our economy we would have the right resources to operate on more renewable energy in Nigeria.



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