Complete List of UK Visa Application Forms

Complete List of UK Visa Application Forms. There are different available application forms meant for different visa categories and circumstances.

UK Visa Application Forms

The visa application should be done in an application form that is intended for the category under which the candidate is applying, and on the date of the application.

Application forms for UK Visa can be updated (reorganized) from time to time from the Home Office.

The best way to see if you are holding the right updated version, is by looking for the latest version on the website of the Home Office (right before you decide to apply for a specific visa).

Visa application can be online or in a paper form, and sometimes both together.

We encourage you to find the appropriate Form and the latest update (not older version than twenty-one days before the application) for visa application that suits properly with your situation and with a reason for requiring a visa.

All the fields of the application form should be completed as it should be, various fees should be paid – when they are required in the form (following the procedure of payment displayed in the form), the Immigration Health Surcharge should be paid – when required to (following the standard required procedure of payment).

The complete listed Visa forms present in the Website of the Home Office or National Archives will be presented below.

Once more: Make sure you get the latest version of any application form before you apply and follow all the instructions given within.

See Also: UK Visa Requirements – All Documents Required for UK Visa

The Online Application System (Visa4UK)

The Visa4UK is an online application form for candidates who are required to make their visa application online.

Sometimes, despite online application some visa applications require also another application in a paper form.

The majority of visa applications are done using this system, either when applying for Entry Clearance, Leave to Remain or Indefinite Leave to Remain of any visa type.

If you are applying under a visa category that needs you to apply online, then you must register here to start completing your online application form.

Visa Application Forms to Enter in the UK

Visa application forms to be included in this section are to apply for a Visa to Enter in the UK (also known as Entry Clearance or Leave to Enter).

These forms are meant for applications from outside the UK, when the candidate is not in the UK.

Form VAF1 – Visit the UK

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, if the reason to apply is to make a visit.

VAF1A – Tourism, Transit, Visit a Child with Tier 4 (Child), Short-Term Studies

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, if the reason to apply is one of the following:

  • Tourists visit;
  • Transit the UK,
  • Visiting a child in the UK who is a Tier 4 (Child) Visa holder;
  • Starting short-term studies

You can download the Application Form VAF1A here.

Read for more in VAF1A Guide.

Form VAF1B – Visit Settled Family Members

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, if the reason to apply is to visit any of a settled in the UK family member:

  • Spouse (wife or husband), civil partner, parents, child, sibling;
  • Grandfather, grandmother, grandson or granddaughter;
  • Spouse’s or civil partner’s parents or siblings;
  • Children’s spouse or civil partner;
  • Stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister;
  • Unmarried partner – living together for minimum two years in the past three years

You can download the Application Form VAF1B here.

Form VAF1C – Facilitate Permitted Paid Engagements

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, if the reason for applying is to perform a visit as a business visitor, future entrepreneur or facilitator of a Permitted Paid Engagements.

You can download the Application Form VAF1C here.

Form VAF1D – Start Studying

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, if the reason to apply is for starting studies.

You can download the Application Form VAF1D here.

Form VAF1EA – Make an Academic Visit

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, if the reason to apply is make an academic visit.

You can download the Application Form VAF1E here.

Form VAF1F – Register for Marriage or Civil Partnership

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, if the reason to apply is for marrying or registering for a marriage or a civil partnership.

You can download the Application Form VAF1F here.

Form VAF1H – Transit through UK to another place

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, if the reason to apply is for visiting the UK in transit, on the way to go in another country.

You can download the Application Form VAF1H here.

Form VAF1J – Participate in a Sport Event

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, if the reason to apply  is to take part in a sport event.

You can download the Application Form VAF1J here.

Form VAF1K – Participate in an Entertainment Event or Festival

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, if the reason to apply is for take part in a well-known entertainment event or festival.

You can download the Application Form VAF1K here.

Form VAF2 – Enter to Work, Study, as a Dependent, to get a Right to Abode, to Visit UK Overseas Territories or Commonwealth

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, if the reason to apply is for staying in the UK for more than six (6) months to work, study, as a dependent, to get the Right to Abode (reside permanently), or for visiting the UK overseas Territories or Commonwealth.

This form does not support joint applications (of main applicant and dependents) in one application. Each person should apply through a separate application form of their own.

Visas supported by this form are:

  • Work Visas
  • Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent, Investor, Entrepreneur or Graduate Entrepreneur);
  • Tier 2 (Skilled Worker: General, Intra-Company Transfer, Minister of Religion and Sportsperson);
  • Tier 5 (Temporary Worker: under creative and sporting, charity or religious workers, as well categories under government authorized exchange and international agreement, as well as Youth Mobility Scheme);
  • Work Visa out of the Point Based System
  • Student Visas

Tier 4

  • Dependant Visas

In any of the aforesaid categories

  • UK Returning Resident Visa;
  • Right to Abode (A Certificate of Entitlement)

A permission which allows its holder to live permanently (endlessly) in the UK without any immigration limitation;

  • Visa to visit a UK Overseas Territory

Anguilla, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Pitcairn Island, South Georgia and South Sandwich, St Helena and Dependencies (Ascension Island and Tristan da Cunha), Turks and Caicos Islands;

  • Visa to visit a Commonwealth State

Africa: Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia. Asia: Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, India, Malaysia, Maldives, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka. Caribbean and Americas: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent and The Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago. Europe: Cyprus, Malta. Pacific: Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu;

You can download the application form here.

Read for more in VAF2 Guide.

Form VAF3 – Enter as a Student

In this category are gathered forms dedicated for applications under student category.

 Form VAF3A – Enter as a future Student

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, if applying as a prospective (potential) student.

You can download the Application Form VAF3A here.

Form VAF3B – Enter as a Dependent of a Student

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, from a dependent of a foreign person who is applying to enter the UK himself, or who is already in the UK as a student.

You can download the Application Form VAF3B here.

Form VAF4 – Enter under Right to Abode Category

In this section are visa application forms to apply for a Right to Abode (Settlement) category.

Form VAF4A – Enter as an Adult Dependent Family Member

This form is for applications to enter into the UK with a family visa (family settlement or reunion), for an adult dependent family member, a child of settled parents, or a parent who held a visa before 9 July 2012.

The form is to be used only for applications from out of the UK (if they cannot be done online).

You can download the Application Form VAF4A here.

VAF4A Appendix 1 – Family Settlement and Family Reunion

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, for the next categories of dependents:

  • Adult Family Member (of a person who is living in the UK and is settled there);
  • Adult Family Member (of a person who has a leave to remain, or a refugee status, or under humanitarian protection in the UK);
  • Child (of a person who is settled in the UK or a leave to remain as a partner or parent given before 9 July 2012)

This form should be submitted together with the Appendix 2 (Financial Requirement Form), and the completed VAF4A Application Form.

You can download the Appendix 1 of VAF4A here.

VAF4A Appendix 2 – Financial Requirement Form

This additional form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, only if the candidate is applying as a:

  • Spouse, or Civil Partner (of a person who lives and is settled in the UK);
  • Child (of a parent who lives in the UK with a Leave to Remain as a partner, that was given under Rules into force on 09 July 2012);
  • Child (of a widow Gurkha soldier who died in active service after 1997);
  • Child (of a widow of an ex-Gurkha soldier who was discharged before 1997);
  • Adult Dependent Family Member (of the widow of a former Gurkha soldier who lives as settled in the UK);
  • Adult Dependent Family Member (of a former Gurkha soldier who lives and is settled in the UK);
  • Fiancé or Proposed Civil Partner (of a person who lives and is settled in the UK);
  • Unmarried or Same Sex Partner (of a person who lives and is settled in the UK);
  • Post Flight Family Member (spouse or civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner, fiancé or proposed civil partner) – of someone with Leave to Enter or to Remain, or with a Refugee Status, or under Humanitarian Protection in the UK;

This form should be submitted together with a completed VAF4A Application Form.

You can download the Appendix 2 of VAF4A here.

VAF4A Appendix 3 – A dependent of a HM Forces Participant

This supplementary form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, only if the candidate is applying as a:

  • Dependant of someone in HM Forces (Her Majesty Forces) that is released from immigration control;
  • The orphan child of an ex -HM Forces Participant discharged from active service;

This form should be submitted together with a completed VAF4A Application Form.

You can download the Appendix 3 of VAF4A here.

VAF4A Appendix 4 – Pre-Flight Family Reunion

This supplementary form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, if the candidate applies as a:

  • A Pre-Flight Family member (spouse or civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner, or child) of someone with Limited Leave to Enter or Remain in the UK, or with a refugee status, or under Humanitarian Protection)

This form should be submitted together with a completed VAF4A Application Form.

You can download the Appendix 4 of VAF4A here.

VAF4A Appendix 5 – Parent with Access Rights to a British Child

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, as a parent with access rights to a child who is a British citizen or settled.

This form should be submitted together with the completed VAF4A Form.

You can download the Appendix 5 of VAF4A here.

VAF4A Appendix 6 – Former Gurkha Soldiers & their Dependents

This additional form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, if the candidate applies as a:

  • Ex-Gurkha soldier discharged before 1997;
  • Spouse, civil partner or widow of an ex-Gurkha soldier discharged before 1997;
  • Child of an ex-Gurkha soldier discharged before 1997 settled or soon to be settled in the UK;
  • Dependant of an ex-Gurkha soldier discharged after 1997

This form should be submitted together with the completed VAF4A Form.

You can download the Appendix 6 of VAF4A here.

Form VAF4B – Returning Resident

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, under the category of a Returning Resident.

You can download the Application Form VAF4B here.

Form VAF5 – Family Members of EEA Nationals

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, for non-EAA national family members of an EEA national who stays in the UK, or wants to enter into the UK.

The visa to apply with this form is known as EEA Family Permit.

EEA nationals are considered citizens of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Irish Republic, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Family members of Swiss nationals are considered also as EEA nationals.

You can download the application form VAF5 here.

Read more in Documents to Apply for EEA Family Permit.

Form VAF6 – Direct Aside Transit

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, for those who want to be free of the UK Immigration Control when traveling to another state through the UK without changing airports (known as Direct Airside Transit).

To go to the Republic of Ireland by transiting through the UK, a person has to apply for a Visit Visa. In addition, if the same has to change airports in the UK, they must apply for a Visitor In Transit Visa (known as Landside Transit).

You can download the Application Form VAF6 here.

Form VAF7 – Certificate of Entitlement to Right to Abode

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, for a Certificate of Entitlement that is to prove that the candidate holds a Right to Abode in the UK (to live and work permanently with no limitation).

You can download the Application Form VAF7 here.

Read more in Documents to Apply for Right of Abode

Form VAF8 – UK Overseas or Commonwealth Territory

This form is for applications to enter a UK Overseas or Commonwealth Territory, submitted from out of these territories.

The following countries are UK Overseas or Commonwealth Territories: Anguilla, Bermuda, Pitcairn Island, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, St Helena and Dependencies (Ascension Island & Tristan da Cunha), Falkland Islands Turks and Caicos Islands, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, South Georgia and South Sandwich.

You can download the Application Form VAF8 here.

Read VAF10 Guide for more.

Form VAF9 – Replaced by VAF2

This form was for applications to enter into the UK through a Point Based System Visa, submitted from out of the UK.

The outdated VAF9 Form (replaced by VAF2 anymore) can be found here.

VAF9 Appendix ET – For Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent)

This self-assessment Application Form is to enter the UK with a Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) Visa, if the application is to be submitted from out of the UK.

This form should be submitted together with the completed VAF9 Application Form (both documents same time).

You can download the Appendix ET here.

VAF9 Appendix 2 – For Tier 1 (Investor)

This form is for applications to enter into the UK with a Tier 1(Investor), done from out of the UK, if the application is to be submitted from out of the UK.

This form should be submitted together with the completed VAF9 Application Form.

You can download the Appendix 2 of VAF9 here.

VAF9 Appendix 3 – For Tier 1 (Entrepreneur)

This form is for applications to enter into the UK with a Tier 1(Entrepreneur) Visa, if the application is to be submitted from out of the UK.

This form should be submitted together with the completed VAF9 Application Form or the Online Application Form (if appropriate).

You can download the Appendix 3 of VAF9 here.

VAF9 Appendix 4 – For Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur)

This form is for applications to enter into the UK with a Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) Visa, if the application is to be submitted from out of the UK.

This form should be submitted together with the completed VAF9 Application Form or the Online Application Form (if appropriate).

You can download the Appendix 4 of VAF9 here.

VAF9 Appendix 5 – For Tier 2 (Skilled Workers)

This form is for applications to enter into the UK through Tier 2 (Skilled Workers: General, Intra-Company Transfer, Minister of Religion or Sportsperson), if the application is to be submitted from out of the UK.

This form should be submitted together with the completed VAF9 Application Form or with the Online Application (as it is required).

You can download the Appendix 5 of VAF9 here.

VAF9 Appendix 6 – For Tier 5 (Temporary Workers)

This form is for applications to enter into the UK with a Tier 5 (Temporary Worker: Creative and Sporting, Charity Workers, Religious Workers, Government Authorized Exchange, or International Agreement), if the application is to be submitted from out of the UK.

This form can be used (alone) to apply for any Tier 5 visa, Temporary Worker category.

To apply for Domestic Worker in Diplomatic Household, the candidate should submit this the Appendix 6 together with The Application Form for A Visa as a  Diplomat’s Domestic Worker.

You can download the Appendix 5 of VAF9 here.

VAF9 Appendix 7 – For Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme)

This form is for applications to enter into the UK with a Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme), if the application is to be submitted from out of the UK.

This form should be submitted together with the completed VAF9 Application Form.

You can download the Appendix 8 of VAF9 here.


VAF9 Appendix 8 – For Tier 4 (General)Student

This form is for applications to enter into the UK with a Tier 4 (General), if the application is to be submitted from out of the UK.

This form should be submitted together with the completed VAF9 Application Form.

You can download the Appendix 8 of VAF9 here.

VAF9 Appendix 9 – For Tier 4 (Child)

This form is for applications to enter into the UK with a Tier 4 (Child), if the application is to be submitted from out of the UK.

This form should be submitted together with the completed VAF9 Application Form.

You can download the Appendix 9 of VAF9 here.

Form VAF10 – Replaced by VAF2

This form was for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, for a dependent (partner or child) and the main candidate to enter into the UK, or for someone who is already living in the UK with a Points Based System (PBS) Visa.

You can download the Application Form VAF10 here.

The Diplomatic Visa Application Form (VAF DIP) – Diplomatic Position or Official Duty in UK

This category of visa application forms is for applications for an entry visa, if the application is to be submitted from out of the UK, for a foreign diplomat or a member of a foreign government on an official duty.

The form is to be used only for applications from out of the UK (if they cannot be done online).

Read more in Guide for forms VAF DIP1, VAF DIP1 (dep), VAF DIP2, VAF DIP3

Form VAFDIP1 – Diplomatic Position in UK

This form is for applicants to enter the UK, submitted from out of the UK, for a foreign person who is about to take or has already taken a diplomatic position in the UK.

You can download the application form VAFDIP1 here.

Form VAFDIP2 – Diplomatic, Government Duty or Governmental Representation

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, only if a foreign person is traveling for the following reasons:

  • In an official diplomatic duty;
  • In a government duty;
  • To represent a foreign government

You can download the Application Form VAFDIP2 here.

Form VAFDIP3 – Transit through UK

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, only if the reason to apply is one of the following:

  • To transit through UK to another state on an official diplomatic duty;

You can download the Application Form VAFDIP3 here.

Form VAFDIP1 (DEP) – Dependent of a Diplomatic Visa Holder

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, for a dependent of a foreign person who wants to apply for a diplomatic visa, or already has a diplomatic position in the UK.

You can download the Application Form VAFDIP1 (DEP) here.

Form VAF AF – Participant or Ex-Participant of the Armed Forces and their Family Members

This form is for applications to enter into the UK, submitted from out of the UK, for an existing or ex-participant of the armed forces or their family members.

Clearly, this form is used for the following categories:

  • Discharged (released) HM Forces (Her Majesty Forces)Ex-Participant;
  • Partner or Child of a discharged HM Forces Participant;
  • Fiancé or Future Civil Partner of a HM Forces Participant;
  • Partner or Child of a British HM Forces Participant applying under Appendix Armed Forces;
  • Partner or Child of a Foreign or Commonwealth HM Forces Participant, applying under Appendix Armed Forces;
  • Partner or Child of a Foreign or Commonwealth HM Forces Participant, applying under Part 7 transitional arrangements;
  • Partner or Child of a British HM Forces Participant, applying under Part 8 Transitional Arrangements;
  • Widowed (left) Partner or a Child of a HM forces Participant, applying under Appendix the Armed Forces;
  • Ex-Gurkha Soldier (discharged before 1997);
  • Widow of an ex-Gurkha Soldier (discharged before 1997);
  • Partner or Child of an ex-Gurkha Soldier (discharged before 1997)

This application form must be submitted together with the completed Appendix 2 of VAF AF.

You can download the Application Form VAF AF here.

You can download the Appendix 2 of VAF AF here.

Form Transfer VAF – Transfer Visa into New Passport

This form is for applications to transfer a valid visa to enter, into a new passport.

A foreign person can apply to transfer such a visa into a new passport, only if they can offer the original visa that is placed in an original travel document.

A foreign person who has lost the passport where the visa is stamped, they should apply for a new visa instead for a transfer of the old one.

You can download the Application Form Transfer VAF here.

Form SET O – Form to Apply to Settle in the UK

The Set O form is for applications done from within the UK, for Indefinite Leave to Remain (Settlement Permission) if the candidate applies under the following categories:

  • Bereaved Partner;
  • Business Director;
  • Dependent of a Point Based System (PBS) Visa holder;
  • Highly Skilled Migrant (in Terms of the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme indefinite leave to remain judicial review policy document);
  • Highly Skilled Migrant;
  • Innovator;
  • Investor;
  • Employee who does not need a Work Permit;
  • Self-employed Attorney;
  • Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) – normal and fast-tracked path;
  • Tier 1 (General);
  • Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent);
  • Tier 1 (Investor) – normal and fast-tracked path;
  • Tier 2 Any Visa;
  • UK Ancestry Visa;
  • Work Permit and their Dependents;
  • Writer, Composer or Artist;
  • Other reasons that are not covered by other forms

You can download the Application Form SET(O) here.

Forms to Extend Stay in the UK

This section covers visa application forms to apply for a temporary visa, for those living in the UK with a valid visa who wants to extend their stay in the UK (beyond the existing visa period).

Form FLR (FP) – Extend the Stay in the UK with a Leave to Remain as a Family Member or Based on Private Life

This form is for applications to extend the stay in the UK with a Leave to Remain and to get a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP), as a family member (partner, parent, dependent child) or based on private life in the UK.

The application should be submitted from within the UK.

This form is in use only for applications made on or after 6 April 2017.

Candidates who are allowed to apply with this form are:

  • Partner Family Member (10 year route);
  • Parent Family Member (5 year & 10 year routes);
  • Dependent Child Family Member (of a foreign person who lives in the UK with A Limited Leave To Enter or Remain, or a person who is applying for a visa out of the Points Based System, or UK Ancestry) (10 year route);
  • Those applying based on Private life in the UK (10 year route);
  • Those applying for other Visa, based on the Family or Private life

You can download the Application Form FLR(FP) here.

Read for more in Form FLR(FP) Guide.

Form FLR (S) – Extend the Stay in the UK with a Leave to Remain as Stateless Person

This form is for applications to extend the stay in the UK with a Leave to Remain, as a stateless person (person with no nationality) and to get a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP).

You can download the Application Form FLR(S) here.

Form FLR (DL) – Extend the Stay in the UK with a Leave to Remain as Stateless Person

This form is for applications to extend the stay in the UK with a Leave to Remain or Indefinite Leave to Remain (Settlement Permission), as a person whose application for asylum was rejected.

After the rejection of asylum request, this candidate was offered an alternative temporary visa, to live in the UK either a discretionary or an exceptional visa (to stay for less than four (4) years).

If a candidate cannot pay the application fee because of poorness they can require a release from that payment through the Appendix 1 FLR(FP) FLR (O).

Family member applying based on a private life should apply with Application Form FLR (FP).

You can download the Application Form FLR (DL) here.

Form FLR (IR) – Extend the Stay in the UK with a Leave to Remain in Different Categories

This form is for applications to extend the stay in the UK, with a Leave to Remain and to get Biometric Residence Permit in any of the following categories:

  • Visitor Visa Holder (excluding visas: Transit, Permitted Paid Engagements and Approved Destination Status);
  • UK Ancestry;
  • Domestic Worker in a Private Household;
  • Domestic Worker a Victim of Slavery or Human Trafficking;
  • Parent of a Tier 4 (child) Student;
  • Dependents not applying together with the main applicant (if the main applicant holds a Limited Leave to Enter Or Remain in the UK that is not under the Points Based System or based on family or private life);
  • Relevant Civilian Employee;
  • Armed Force Participant (under immigration control – course F)
  • Dependant of the Armed Forces Participant (excluding dependents of HM Forces);
  • Foreign Staff in a Diplomatic Mission in the UK;
  • Foreign Business Representative;
  • Retired Individual with Independent Incomes;
  • Any Leave to Remain (that is included in the Immigration Rules) that is not covered by another form

You can download the Application Form FLR(IR) here.

Read for more in Form FLR (IR) Guide.

Form FLR (HRO) – Extend the Stay in the UK with a Leave to Remain under Privileges of the Human Rights, a visa not covered by Immigration Rules or any Visa not Covered with another form

This form is for applications to extend the stay in the UK with a Leave to Remain and get the Biometric Residence Permit, under privileges of the Human Rights, with a Visa not covered by Immigration Rules, or with another visa not covered with other forms.

If a candidate cannot pay the application fee because of poorness, they can require a release from that payment through the Appendix 1 FLR (FP) FLR (O).

Specifically, this form can be used to apply for an extension of these visas:

  • Discretionary Leave (DL) (if the candidate held before the same leave and if their asylum request was not rejected before, and if they held an exceptional leave of less than four years before);
  • Visa for Medical Reasons (Sickness);
  • Visa Based on Human Rights (not if the visa is based on family or private life, or based on family dependences of a parent and a child, or for protection reasons (asylum))
  • Leave (Visa) not covered by the Immigration Rules (only categories under Immigration Policy Concessions – Annex A in the document Leave Outside the Rules Guide);
  • Leave (Visa) out of the Immigration Rules (as of compassionate and compelling conditions);
  • Other Visas not covered by any other Form

You can download the Application Form FLR (HRO) here.

Read more in Form FLR (HRO) Guide.

Form FLR (LR) – Extend the Stay Based on Long Residence in the UK

This form is to apply for an extension of the stay in the UK with a Leave to Remain and to get the Biometric Residence Permit (BRP), for a person who legally lived there for twenty years or more.

You can download the Application Form FLR (LR) here.

Read more in Guide for Form FLR (LR).

Form FLR (P) – Extend the Stay in the UK as a Child of a Person living in the UK temporarily, under Humanitarian Protection or as a Refugee

This form is to apply for an extension of the stay in the UK with a Limited Leave to Enter, or Leave to Remain, and to get the Biometric Residence Permit, for a child under 18 of a family member living in the UK with a temporary visa under Humanitarian Protection, or as a Refugee.

You can download the Application Form FLR (P) here.

Read more in Guide for Form FLR (P).

Form FLR (AF) – Extend the Stay in the UK as a HM Forces Participant or their Dependent

This form is to apply for an extension of the stay in the UK with a Leave to Remain, for a HM (Her Majesty) Forces Participant or their dependent (a partner or a child).

You can download the Application Form FLR (AF) here.

Read more in FLR (AF) Guide.

Form to Extend the Stay in the UK – with Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) Visa

This form is to apply for an extension of the stay in the UK with a Leave to Remain under Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) and to get the Biometric Residence Permit.

A candidate can use this form to extend the stay by applying for a Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) Visa either through:

  • Extending the current Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) – if already having the same visa;
  • Switching to Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) – If having a different visa type

You can download the Application Form to apply for extending or switching to Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) Visa here.

Form to Extend the Stay in the UK with a Tier 5 (Temporary Worker)

This form is to apply for an extension of the stay in the UK with a Leave to Remain under Tier 5 (Temporary Worker) and to get the Biometric Residence Permit.

When in the category of a Domestic Worker in a Diplomatic Household, the candidate has to also submit the Statement of the Terms and Conditions of Employment (a form that should be completed and signed by the Employer).

You can download the Application Form to extend your Tier 5 (Temporary Worker) Visa here.

UK Visa Application Forms ECAA
Extend the Stay in the UK as a Turkish National

Visa application forms in this category are for Turkish people living in the UK, occupied either in a job or as a businessperson, or a dependent of them, who is applying from within the UK for a visa extension.

Read for more on ECAA Turkish Employed Applications.

Form ECAA1 – Extend the Stay in the UK as a Turkish National Employee

This form is to apply for a visa extension from within the UK, for a Turkish national who is an employee in the UK and their dependents, in a job that is a result of the European Community Association Agreement (ECAA) of the UK with Turkey.

Dependents can be a Partner (spouse, civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner) or a Child under twenty-one.

You can download the Application Form ECAA1 here.

Form ECAA2 – Extend the Stay in the UK as a Turkish National Employer

This form is to apply for visa extension from within the UK, for an employer (businessperson) Turkish National living and doing business in the UK, in a business that is a result of the European Community Association Agreement (ECAA) of the UK with Turkey.

You can download the Application Form ECAA2 here.

Form ECAA3 – Extend the Stay in the UK as Dependent of a Turkish National Employee or Employer in the UK

This form is to apply for a visa extension from within the UK, for a dependent of a Turkish national employee or employer in the UK, in the work or business that is a result of the European Community Association Agreement (ECAA) of the UK with Turkey.

You can download the Application Form ECAA2 here.

Forms to Settle in the UK

In this section are gathered visa application forms for settling in the UK with an Indefinite Leave to Remain (also known as Residence Permission or Settlement Permission).

Form SET (P) – Settle as a Refugee, Humanitarian Protection Status

This form is to apply for settlement in the UK from within the country, with an Indefinite Leave to Remain, as a Refugee (if counting minimum five (5) years as a refugee in the UK), or for a Humanitarian Protection status (if counting minimum five (5) years with the same status already, since 2005), and to get the Biometric Residence Permit (BRP).

You can download the Application Form SET (P) here.

Form SET (DV) – Settle as a Victim of a Violent Relationship

This form is to apply for settlement from within the UK with an Indefinite Leave to Remain (Settlement Permission), for those who came to the UK with a Temporary Visa as a dependent partner and that relationship got ended later, as the candidate was violated by depending partner.

You can download the Application Form SET (DV) here.

If the candidate is found in a poorness situation, The Domestic Violence Concession Form is an additional form that might be submitted (together with the main application form) if the needs monetary support from the Home Office for up to three (3) months.

You can download Domestic Violence Concession Form here.

Form SET (LR) – Settle based on a Long Residence in UK

This form is to apply for settlement from within the UK with an Indefinite Leave to Remain (Settlement Permission) and to get a Biometric Residence Permit, for a person who lived legally in the UK for a long period.

You can download the Application Form SET (LR) here.

Read for more SET (LR) Guide.

Form SET (F) – Settle as a Child under or over 18 of the Settled Parents

This form is to apply for settlement from within the UK with an Indefinite Leave to Remain (Settlement Permission) and to get a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP), for a child under 18 (in some cases over 18 also).

Specifically, this form can be used by a:

  • Child under 18 of a parent or parents, or a family member living and settled in the UK;
  • Adopted child under 18 of a parent or parents living and settled in the UK;
  • Child over 18 of persons living and settled in the UK

You can download the Application Form SET (F) here.

Read for more SET (F) Guide.

Form SET (BUS) – Settle as a Retired Individual with Independent Incomes or a Foreign Business Representative

This form is to apply for settlement from within the UK, with an Indefinite Leave to Remain and to get a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP), for a retired individual with independent incomes, or a foreign business representative.

You can download the Application Form SET (BUS) here.

Read for more Form SET (BUS): Guide.

Form SET (M) – Settle as a Dependent Partner

This form is to apply for settlement from within the UK with an indefinite Leave to Remain and a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP), for a partner (husband, wife, civil partner, unmarried same sex-partner) of a British citizen, or a person who lives and is settled in the UK.

You can download the Application Form SET (M) here.

Read for more SET (M) Guide.

Other Visa related Application Forms

This section includes visa forms used for different purposes related to visas or residence in the UK.

Form NTL – Transfer of Settlement Permission from an old passport to a Biometric Residence Permit

This form is to apply for a transfer (move) of an existing Indefinite Leave to Remain (Settlement Permission) from an old passport to a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP).

You can download the Application Form NTL here.

Read for more in Guide for the Form NTL.

Form BRP (RC) – Get a New Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)

This form is to apply for a replacement of the Biometric Residence Permit (BRP).

This form can be used only for the following reasons:

  • The candidate has lost the BRP, someone has stolen or it was damaged;
  • The current BRP has expired (after getting the Settlement Permission);
  • The candidate is a refugee in the UK and their ISD was lost, stolen, damaged, expired, or they need to replace it with BRP;
  • The candidate has a Humanitarian Protection status and their ISD was lost, stolen, damaged, expired, or they need to replace it with BRP.

You can download the Application Form BRP (RC) here.

Read for more in BRP (RC) Guide.

Form to Require Reconsideration of the PBS Visa Decision

This form is to require a reconsideration of the decision for refusal of a Point Based System (PBS) Visa application, only if the candidate applied from out of the UK, and if they require simply the administrative review of the decision.

You can download the Application Form for Administrative Review of Visa Decision here.

Read more in Guide for Form to Require Reconsideration of the PBS Visa Decision.

Form to Require Super Premium Services

This form is to require access to super premium services, for a candidate applying for a visa extension, visa transfer or an Indefinite Leave to Remain from within the UK and they need an urgent treatment of their visa application.

This service can be used for the following visa applications:

  • Any Point Based System Visa Application;
  • Application through any FLR Application Form – extensions (except for FLR(BUS or LR));
  • Applications through TOC Application Form – transfer of temporary visa to BRP;
  • Applications through NTL Application Form – transfer of an Indefinite Leave to Remain from an old passport to a BRP;
  • Applications through any SET Application Form – to settle in the UK (except for SET (DV, LR or P))

When the candidate makes the application, they should pay the fee set for use of super-premium services, together with the standard fee for application in a specific category.

You can download the Application Form for Super Premium Services here.

Form MCC Declare Changes as a PBS Visa Holders

This form is PBS Visa holders living in the UK, to declare any change of their circumstances to the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI), starting from the time they received the visa.

Such changes can be:

  • Personal details;
  • Criminal convictions;
  • Contact details;
  • Representative’s details;
  • Dependents’ details;
  • Other information of interest to the UKVI

You can download the Application Form MCC here.

Form to Get Visa Documents Back (Warsaw)

This form is to require visa application documents (application and passport) back (something that automatically cancels the application process), for those who applied for a UK Visa in Warsaw.

You can download the Application form to Get Visa Documents Back (Warsaw) here.

Form TOC Transfer of Visa to a Biometric Residence Permit

This form is to apply from within the UK, for a transfer of the main applicant’s and its dependent’s temporary visa to a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP).

The reason for transfer should be the change of a passport from an old to a new one.

You can download the Application Form TOC here.

Asylum Support Application Forms

Forms in this section are for asylum related persons living in the UK, when they want to require for assistance from the Home Office, when found in different difficult financial situations.

Form ASF1 – Ask for Asylum Assistance

This form is to require assistance, for the main visa holder and its dependents, only if they are risking to become poor and roofless within two next weeks.

Those who can apply for assistance (money, accommodation or other) through this form, are of the following circumstances:

  • Required Asylum status and are in wait for a decision, their dependents and there is no other application for assistance made on their behalf;
  • Required the reconsideration of the decision to refuse their application for asylum, and are waiting for the second decision;
  • Used all their rights to require the reconsideration of the decision to refuse their application for asylum, and the do not have money to organize their departure from the UK

You can download the Application Form ASF1 here (paper form – to be printed and completed manually) and here (electronic form – to be completed in computer or other electronic devices).

Read more in Form ASF1 Guide.

Form ASF2 – Ask for Extra Asylum Assistance

This form is for persons who have applied for assistance, or persons who are already getting such assistance and they need more assistance than that.

Those who can apply for extra assistance (money, accommodation or other) must be of the following circumstance:

  • Required asylum and are waiting for a response, or those whose asylum application was refused and together with their dependents are found in an unforeseen change of situation, something that caused extra costs (of living and accommodation) that the current given money cannot cover anymore.

You can download the Application Form ASF2 here.

Form TD112 BRP – Require Home Office Travel Document

This form is to apply from within the UK, for a Home Office Travel Document and to get a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) for traveling out of the UK, if the home country passport is unacceptable.

Candidates can apply with this form if they are:

  • Applying for a Conventional Travel Document and is a Refugee in the UK;
  • Applying for a Stateless Person’s Document and is a Stateless person in the UK;
  • Applying for a Certificate of Travel, as the passport was rejected by their home country and they have a Leave to Remain or Indefinite Leave to Remain (but not a refugee status);
  • Applying for one-way Document, as they want to leave the UK forever;

You can download the Application Form TD112 BRP here.

Read more in TD112 BRP Guide.

The Application for an Integration Loan (Credit)

This form is to apply for an interest-free credit for covering integration costs in the UK (accommodation, education and more).

A person who can apply for this credit with this form is:

  • Eighteen or older;
  • Holds a Leave to Enter or Leave to Remain (temporary visa) – after 11 June 2007, based on their Refugee or Humanitarian Protection status;
  • Holds a Leave to Enter or Leave to Remain (temporary visa) – after 11 June 2007, as a dependent of a candidate from the aforementioned category;
  • Applying for an Integration Credit for the first time

You can download the Application for an Integration Loan here.

Read for more in Integration Loan application Form Guide.

The Application Form for a Bail Accommodation and Asylum Assistance

This form is to apply for a house and assistance, if the candidate is arrested under the rules of Immigration Laws, and they are released temporarily (bailed) to go home until the court hearing date.

Persons who can apply through this form can be:

  • Those who required asylum and are waiting for a response;
  • Those whose applications for asylum was refused;
  • Those who did not apply for asylum but they broke Immigration Rules in other ways

You can download the Application Form for a Bail Address and Asylum Support here.

Read for more in Guide on Application for Section 4 Bail Address and Asylum Support.

Rad also Asylum Support: Section 4 to relate.

The Application Form for Extra Assistance on Services or Facilities

This form is to require extra services, if already getting asylum support.

Persons who can apply through this form are:

  • Those who required asylum and are waiting for a response, and those whose applications for asylum was refused, but are receiving asylum support and they need some additional support as regards of services or facilities.

You can download the Application Form for Extra Assistance on Services or Facilities here.

Form RSRF1 – Change Humanitarian Protection to a Refugee Status

This form is to apply for a change of the existing Humanitarian Protection Status in a Refugee Status, for a candidate who has come and lives temporarily in the UK as a vulnerable person or a vulnerable child.

Those who can apply through this form are those who arrived and live in the UK:

  • Under Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme (VPRS); or
  • Under Vulnerable Children’s Resettlement Scheme (VCRS)

You can download the Application Form RSRF1 here.

Forms to Apply for UK Citizenship

Visa Application Forms in this section are to apply for different categories of the UK Citizenship in various circumstances.

 Form ROA – The Certificate showing the Right to Abode

This form is for applications from within the UK, to get e Certificate that tells that the candidate has the Right to Abode in the UK (to live and work permanently).

You can download the Application Form ROA here.

Read for more in Guide ROA.

Form NS – Confirm a British Nationality Status

This form is to apply for a confirmation that tells that candidate has a British nationality, but they cannot fulfill the criteria to get a British passport yet.

A person can apply with this form if they are a:

  • British Citizen;
  • British Overseas Citizen;
  • British Overseas Territories Citizen;
  • British National (Overseas);
  • British Subject;
  • British Protected Person Status

You can download the Application Form NS here.

Read for more in Guide NS.

Form NC – Get a New Certificate of Citizenship

This form is to apply from within the UK for a new (duplicate, replacement) Certificate of Registration or Certificate of Neutralization as a British Citizen.

To apply through this form, a person must:

  • Have damaged the existing (old) Certificate of Registration or Neutralization (Certificate of British Citizenship); or
  • The old certificate was given after October 1986

You can download the Application Form NC here.

Form AN – Apply for a British Citizenship

This form is to apply from within the UK for a British Citizenship (to naturalize).

A person can apply with this form if they:

  • Lived in the UK with a Settlement Permission for several years;
  • Met the other criteria which are different depending if the candidate is married or in civil partnership with a British citizen (see all the criteria here);

You can download the Application Form AN here.

Read for more in Guide AN.

Form RROA – Require Reconsideration of the Decision for Refusal to Issue a Certificate of Entitlement to Right of Abode

This form is to apply for a reopen (reconsideration) of the application for Certificate of Entitlement to Right of Abode, for a person whose application for such certificate was rejected the first time and they believe that the decision is incorrect.

The reopening of the application might be required only if the rejection was due to the following reasons:

  • The right criteria of evaluation were not considered;
  • Evidence of candidate towards any requirement was not related;
  • The candidate was not given the proper time to respond or complete a requirement;
  • The candidate did not offer a required document because they did not know about that requirement for a reasonable cause;
  • Relevant documents and information was not taken into consideration during the evaluation of the application;
  • Other reasons

You can download the Application Form RROA here.

Form B (OS) – Register as a British Citizen if not holding any other Nationality

This form is to require registration as a British citizen, if not holding any other despite British nationality.

A person can apply with this form if they are a:

  • British Overseas Citizen – who since 4 July 2002 never rejected or willingly given up, or lost by doing or not doing any citizenship or nationality;
  • British Subject (under the British Nationality Act 1981);
  • British Protected Person;
  • British National (Overseas) – who since 19 March 2009 was never rejected or willingly given up or lost by doing or not doing any citizenship or nationality;
  • Does not have any other despite British nationality;

You can download the Application Form B (OS) here.

Read for more in Guidance for Form B (OS).

Form B (OTA) – Register as a British Citizen over five years living in the UK

This form is also to require registration as a British citizen over five years of legally living in the UK.

A person can apply with this form if they are a:

  • British Overseas Territories Citizen;
  • British Overseas Citizen;
  • British Protected Person;
  • British Subject (Under The British Nationality Act 1981);
  • British National (Overseas);
  • And of good character

Only if matching to the following situations:

  • They have been for five years legally in the UK;
  • They have (any time) been registered for a crown or a similar service;
  • They meet other requirements for British Overseas territories citizens

You can download the Application Form B (OTA) here.

Read for more in Guide for Form B (OTA).

Form EM – Register as a British Citizen under the British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1997

This form is to require registration as a British citizen under a British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1997. This act allows certain British people living in Hong Kong to get a British Citizenship.

A person can apply with this form if they is a:

  • British national who lived in Hong Kong before 4 February 1997 and lives there even at the moment of applying;

Only if matching to the following situations:

  • An ordinary resident in Hong Kong from right before than 4 February 1997;
  • His child born on or after 4 February 1997 was an ordinary resident in Hong Kong since their birth;

Ordinary residence – means a normal life in Hong Kong, consistent living in Hong Kong (with permitted absences), it can be a long or short time of stay, it should be legal stay, voluntary stay and with a purpose to settle there;

  • British national since right before 4 February 1997 (either as a British Dependent Territories citizen by virtue of a connection with Hong Kong, a British National (Overseas), British Overseas citizen, a British subject, or a British Protected Person);
  • He never held before any other nationality or citizenship despite British (ever since right before 4 February 1997)

You can download the Application Form EM here.

Read for more in Guide for Form EM.

Form S1 – Register as a British Citizen as a Stateless Person

This form is to require registration as a British citizen, for a stateless person (who does not have any nationality at all) born before 1 January 1983.

A person can apply with this form if they are a:

  • British Citizen;
  • British Overseas Territories Citizen;
  • British Overseas Citizen

Only if matching to the following situations:

  • Does not have any nationality at all;
  • Never had any nationality;
  • Was born before 1 January 1983;
  • Corresponds to any sections between A-O of the Guide for Form S1

You can download the Application Form S1 here.

Form S2 – Register as a British Citizen as a Stateless Person born out of the UK or the UK Overseas Territories

The form is to require registration as a British citizen, for a stateless person born on or after 1 January 1983 out of the UK and a UK Overseas Territory.

A person can apply with this form if they are a:

  • British Citizen;
  • British Overseas Territories Citizen;
  • British Overseas Citizen;
  • British Subject

Only if matching to the following situations:

  • Did not have any nationality when born;
  • Never had any nationality at all;
  • Was born on or after 1 January 1983;
  • Was born out of the UK and UK Overseas Territories;
  • Was in the UK or a UK British Overseas Territory at the beginning of the three (3) -year period, right before the application to register;
  • Was living in the UK for more than 270 days, within the three (3) -year aforementioned period

You can download the Application Form S2 here.

Read for more in Guide for Form S2.

Form S3 – Register as a British Citizen as a Stateless Person born in the UK or the UK Overseas Territories

The form is to require registration as a British citizen, for a stateless person born on or after 1 January 1983 in the UK or a UK Overseas Territory.

A person can apply with this form if they are a:

  • British Citizen;
  • British Overseas Territories Citizen

Only if matching to the following situations:

  • Did not had any nationality at all when born;
  • Never had any nationality;
  • Was born on or after 1 January 1983;
  • Was born in the UK or a UK Overseas Territory;
  • Was living in the UK or a UK British Overseas Territory at the beginning of the five-year period, right before the application to register;
  • Was present in the UK for more than 450 days within the five – year aforementioned period;
  • Is under the age 22

You can download the Application Form S3 here.

Read for more in Guide for Form S3.

Form T – Register as a British Citizen as a Person Born and lived in the UK until turning 10

The form is to require registration as a British citizen, for a person born in the UK who lived there since  birth until becoming at least ten years old.

A person applying with this form needs to match with the following situations:

  • Be born in the UK on or after 1 January 1983;
  • Be ten years or older;
  • Their time spent out of the UK, should not be more three months within each period of 10 years of life (if they are older than 10);
  • Be of a good character

You can download the Application Form T here.

Read for more in Guide for Form T.

Form RS1 – Re-register as a British Citizen after giving up from the same British Citizenship

The form is to require registration as a British citizen, for a person who has given up from the same British citizenship before.

A person applying with this form needs to match with the following situations:

  • Be logical;
  • Be of a good character;
  • Must have made a Declaration of Renunciation with which they rejected (gave up) from a British citizenship (after 1 January 1983);
  • Or, must have made a similar declaration to give up from the UK and Colonies citizenship (before 1 January 1983);
  • Or, must he, father, grandfather, spouse or civil partner or their parents or grandparents be born in the UK, or be naturalized in the UK, or be a UK and Colonies citizen, be a UK and Colonies citizen in an independent Commonwealth state (if that state was an independent member when any of the following categories registered)

You can download the Application Form RS1 here.

Read for more in Guide for Form RS1.

Form UKF – Register as a British Citizen as a Person whose father is British and their parents are not married

The form is to require registration as a British citizen, for a person born before 1 July 2006 whose father is a British and their parents are not in a marriage.

A person applying with this form needs to match with the following situations:

  • Be born before 1 July 2006;
  • Would automatically be a British Citizen when born if their parents were married;
  • Have never been a British citizen;
  • Be of a good character

You can download the Application Form UKF here.

Read for more in Guide for Form UKF.

Form UKM – Register as a British Citizen as a Person whose mother is British and their parents are not married

The form is to require registration as a British citizen, for a person born before 1 January 1983 whose mother is a British and their parents are not in a marriage.

A person applying with this form needs to match with the following situations:

  • Be born before 1 January 1983;
  • Would automatically be a UK and Colonies citizen when born as the mother has been able to transfer her citizenship to him;
  • Have been able to take the Right to Abode

Because he:

  • When born – the mother or grandparents had a UK and Colonies citizenship since their birth, a legal adoption, naturalization or registration in the UK, Channel Island or Isle of Man;
  • Lived in the UK for five (5) legal continues years before 1983 and was settled in the UK for that fact;
  • The candidate is a woman either married or divorced (married on or after 28 October 1971 with a UK and Colonies citizen) from a man with a Right to Abode in the UK.
  • Be of a good character

You can download the Application Form UKM here.

Read for more in Guide for Form UKM.

Form RS2 – Register as a British Overseas or Dependent Territory, or the UK and Colonies citizen after giving up from the same Citizenship

The form is to require registration as a British Overseas Territory, Dependent Territory, or UK and Colonies citizen, as a person who has given up from the same citizenship before.

A person applying with this form needs to match with the following situations:

  • Be logical;
  • Be of a good character;
  • Have made a Declaration of Renunciation through which they rejected (gave up) from:
  • British Overseas Territories citizenship (after 26 February 2002); or
  • British Dependent Territories citizenship (within the period of 1 January 1983 – 26 February 2002); or
  • UK and Colonies citizenship (before 1 January 1983);
  • Or, he, father, grandfather, spouse or civil partner or their parents or grandparents, were born in British Overseas Territory, or are naturalized in the UK, or a citizen of the UK and Colonies in British Overseas Territory, or a person who is a British Subject due to the invasion of a British Overseas Territory.

You can download the Application Form RS2 here.

Read for more in Guide for Form RS2.

Form MN1 – Register as a British Citizen as a Child under 18 of a British citizen or settled in the UK, or of an Army Participant Parent

This form is to require registration as a British citizen a child under the age of eighteen (18) of a British citizen or Settled in the, or of an Army Participant parent.

The person (child) applying through this form should:

  • Be younger than 18;
  • Be born in the UK, by parents who now are either settled there, or have British citizenship;
  • Be born in the UK, of parents who joined the army;
  • Have parents who are applying for British Citizenship;
  • Be born out of the UK, of parents with British Citizenship by origin who lived before or do live at the moment either in the UK or in a British Overseas Territory;
  • Be an adopted child, of parents with British Citizenship;
  • Have parents who rejected their British Citizenship and now are requiring back;
  • Be born out of the UK, of parents participating in an army force

You can download the Application Form MN1 here.

Read for more in Guide for Form MN1.

Form MN2 – Register as a British Overseas Territory Citizen as a Child under 18 of a British Overseas Territory Citizen or Settled Parent in such Territory

The form is to require registration as a British Overseas Territory citizen, for a child below the age of eighteen of a British Overseas Territory citizen or Settled Parent in such territory.

The person applying through this form should:

  • Be younger than 18;
  • Be born after 1 January 1983 in a British Overseas Territory but they were not given British Overseas Territories citizenship automatically at birth, but in the future at least one of the parents took such citizenship or was settled in such territory;
  • Or, be born after 1 January 1983 out of a British Overseas Territory and they can keep living in there because at least one of the parents holds by origin a citizenship of a British Overseas Territory;
  • Or, be born after 1 January 1983 out of British Overseas Territories with at least one of the parents holding a citizenship of a British Overseas Territory by origin, who later has joined to live with parents in that territory;

You can download the Application Form MN2 here.

Read for more in Guide for Form MN2.

Form MN3 – Register as a British Foreign Citizen as a Child under 18 of a British Subject Parent

This form is to require registration as a British Foreign (Overseas) Citizen, for a child of a British Subject parent below the age of eighteen (18).

The person (child) applying through this form should match the following situations:

  • Be younger than 18;
  • Be of a good character (for ages between 10-18);
  • Has at least one British Subject parent;
  • Has parent’s accord to become a British Foreign Citizen;
  • Does not hold any other citizenship;
  • Needs a medical help or a proper education (that they cannot have on their own, since does not have a passport);
  • Needs to leave a foreign country where they are living presently, because that country is at risk (I.e. War or else) and there is no other place to go despite the UK;
  • Or, is stateless by birth, if born before 1 January 1983 and never held any citizenship;
  • Or, is stateless by birth in a place out of the UK and British Overseas Territories, if born on or after 1 January 1983, and if never held any citizenship at all;
  • Or, is stateless by birth in a place out of the British Overseas Territories, if born on or after 1 July 1997, and if never held any citizenship at all

You can download the Application Form MN3 here.

Read for more in Guide for Form MN3.

Form MN4 – Register as a British Subject as a Child under 18

This form is to require registration as a British Subject of a child under the age of eighteen.

The person applying through this form should match the following situations:

  • Be younger than 18;
  • Be of a good character (for ages between 10-18);
  • Has at least one British Subject parent;
  • Has parent’s accord to become a British Overseas Citizen;
  • Has any other citizenship;
  • Needs medical help or proper education (that they cannot have them on their own, since do not have a passport);
  • Needs to leave the foreign country because that country is at risk (I.e. War or else) and there is no other place to go despite the UK;
  • Or, is stateless by birth, if born before 1 January 1983 and if never held any other citizenship;
  • Or, is stateless by birth out of the UK and British Overseas Territories, if born on or after 1 January 1983, and if never held any other citizenship

You can download the Application Form MN4 here.

Read for more in Guide MN4.

Form NR – Require Reconsideration of a Decision to Refuse the Issuance of a British Citizenship

This form is to require reconsideration (review) of the application for British Citizenship, when the application is refused on the first time and the candidate believes that such decision is incorrect.

The application for reconsideration can be done only if the rejection was due to the following reasons:

  • The right criteria of evaluation were not considered;
  • Evidence of the candidate towards a requirement was not related;
  • Not having the proper time to respond or complete a requirement;
  • The candidate at that time was a subject of a criminal act, which later was put down on appeal, or they were mistaken for someone else;
  • Relevant documents and information was not taken into consideration during the evaluation of the application;

You can download the Application Form NR here.

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