
How To Get A Free Tinted Glass Permit In Nigeria

How To Get A Free Tinted Glass Permit In Nigeria. Want To Get A Free Tinted Glass Permit In Nigeria? Check This Post For More.

Tinted Glass Permit

Are you looking for how to get a free tinted glass permit? Are you in search of substantial information on how to go about this? I’m glad to tell you that the search is over as you have come to the right platform to get this information.

There was a time when getting a tinted glass permit was very difficult, these days, you can easily get it from the police force. Did you know that? You are going to learn about all the steps you need to take if you want to get a free tinted glass permit in Nigeria all put down in this one article. One of the most important reasons why people like to get a tinted glass is just for privacy. Let’s get into this article and see how we can go about it in Nigeria.

What is a tinted glass permit?

Many people do not even know the meaning of a tinted glass which is why I chose to add a definition to aid proper understanding. A tinted glass permit is simply a document which is always issued out to any person that owns or has a tinted glass car. If you do not have a tinted glass permit in Nigeria, then you are not legally allowed to drive a tinted glass car. The same goes for any person that has a tinted glass permit in Nigeria, he or she will be allowed to give a tinted glass car anywhere in Nigeria.

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Is it a crime to have a tinted glass without a tinted glass permit in my car?

Many people often ask the question if it is a crime to have a tinted glass even when they do not have a tinted glass permit. As important as a tinted glass permit is in Nigeria, there are still a whole lot of people that have a tinted glass in their cars without a tinted glass permit. It is very important that you note that if you do not want to be embarrassed while going out with your car, you should get a tinted glass permit.

The reason why there is a need for a tinted glass permit in Nigeria is just to avoid the abuse of tinted glass cars which could be used by criminals.

What body is responsible for issuing tinted glass permit in Nigeria?

The body that is charged with the duty of issuing tinted glass permit in Nigeria is the Nigerian Police Force. If you do not get a tinted glass permit in Nigeria and you roam about with a car that has a tinted glass, you would be given a very grave punishment. Take note of the emphasis I keep laying on the importance of getting a tinted glass permit.

How can I get a free tinted glass permit in Nigeria?

You should have it in mind that getting a tinted glass permit is not as difficult as the task appears to be. To guide you properly, I have made some steps below to help you get your own tinted glass permit in Nigeria:

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The first step you need to take if you wish to get a tinted glass permit in Nigeria is to go to the Nigeria police force tinted permit registration portal.


Once you have done this, the next step you should take is to fill in the application form. All you have to do is to put in your name, your phone number, your email address and then proceed to click the register button. The reason you have to do this is to be able to get you application ID


Once you have gotten your application ID, the next step you need to take is to login with your email address and also the application ID that you were given.


Once you have logged in, you would then proceed to fill in the bio data form, in this bio data form, you would have to put in all the information of the car which you want to get the tinted permit for. Make sure that you are extremely careful at this point.


The next step you would need to take once you have completed the bio data form is to print out the form which you filled and then proceed to take it to the police station for its collection and also for the completion of your biometric data.


At this point, the police force would now have to decide whether they would approve your request or reject it.

If you are still having issues on the steps to take or if you need more information on this topic, you can send an email to

Would I be required to pay any money?

A lot of people have often asked this question if they would need to pay any money for this tinted glass permit. The answer simply is that you are supposed to pay any money to get this permit actually but we all know the state of Nigeria and how nothing is really ever free so if you want your documents to be processed on time, you might need to pay a certain amount of money. This particular amount of money is usually within the range of 20,000 naira to 30,000 naira.

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However, if you refuse to pay this amount that would be requested, they might also reject your form and you would not be able to get you tinted glass permit.

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