Most Lucrative Agricultural Business Ideas In Nigeria

Most Lucrative Agricultural Business Ideas In Nigeria. Get Everything You Need To Know About Creative Agricultural Business Ideas In Nigeria. Check This Post. 

Most Lucrative Agricultural Business Ideas In Nigeria

Are you trying to move into the agricultural sector? Are you looking out for the most lucrative agricultural businesses you can do? Not to worry as this platform has got you covered. In this article, I am going to open your eyes to the most lucrative agricultural business ideas you can do in Nigeria. Let’s get started!

Agriculture business has to be one of the oldest business that emerged even before the advent of the colonial masters in Nigeria. Different people from different areas had their own indigenous ways of farming, gathering up its products and then selling them to make a profit and carter for the family. Infact, farming was one of the most prestigious professions at that time in that, food is usually not an issue in the house while they also make a lot of money from the business. these days, farming has been modernized in that the tools and equipment used to farm have now been advanced due top technology. You can now work easily as well as faster.

See Also: Top 10 Importance Of Agriculture In Nigeria

Types of Agricultural Business Ideas

If you are looking for some agricultural business ideas to venture into that do not require so much capital, then this is for you as I have highlighted about 20 different agricultural ideas you can try in Nigeria. They are:

  1. Urban agriculture
  2. Vegetable farming
  3. Livestock feed manufacturing
  4. field crop farming
  5. diary farming
  6. poultry farming
  7. fish farming
  8. rabbit raising
  9. mushroom farming
  10. honey production
  11. bee keeping
  12. Beeswax processing
  13. soy production
  14. food delivery
  15. jam production
  16. florist business
  17. meat packing
  18. firewood production
  19. oil production
  20. wool production

Most Lucrative Agricultural Business Ideas In Nigeria

Here are some of the most lucrative agricultural business ideas we have:


One of the most lucrative agricultural business ideas we have in Nigeria has to be pig farming. The demand of pork is now on the high side as it is an excellent source of protein as well.


Personally, I find it difficult to ascertain if poultry farming is more lucrative than pig farming as they are very good in giving good profits. This business idea is very easy to start as you would not need as much capital as pig farming, it can also be done at home.


Another very lucrative agricultural business idea we have in Nigeria is Cassava farming. What thrills me most about this business is that one can get different products from cassava ranging from garri to fufu and so much more.

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Snail farming as well is another very lucrative business in Nigeria at the moment. Snail is a good source of protein which makes its demand really high at the market. It does not also require so much capital.


Another very lucrative agricultural business idea is catfish farming. Catfish is one of the fishes that people really enjoy in Nigeria. It is quite lucrative because it can easily be done from home. however, you need to have an idea of this business else, the fishes may start to die.


Honey has to be one of the sweetest products that exist. One good thing about honey is that it can be used in place of sugar and that it is natural. Do you know that honey bee farming is one of the most lucrative agricultural business ideas in Nigeria at the moment? Well, now you know. It is very important that you have an idea of how to keep bees before going into this business if you do not want a lot of stings on your body.

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