How To Start a Driving School Business in Nigeria

How To Start a Driving School Business in Nigeria. do You Want To Start A Driving School In Nigeria But Don’t Know The Requirements? The Cost Of Starting A Driving School? What You Need To Do First. This Article Will Guide You On How To Start A Driving School Business In Nigeria And Be Successful.

Start a Driving School Business in Nigeria

What Is A Driving School?

A driving school is an institution were people are taught how to drive. Before you get license from Federal Road Safety Corp, you have to be certified by a driving school in other to affirm that you have attained the basic knowledge of driving.

We have only but few investors who consider this line of business that is why many people travel far to get training since there are no driving schools around them. Instead of watching your car/s parked in the yard, put it to use and make money. You may do it for the very reason of employing workers thereby reducing the number of unemployed citizens.

You can be a driving home tutor in case you can’t set up a driving institution:. This may pay you well as jobs will be coming from rich men who wants their wives/children to be taught privately on how to drive. There are many businesses you can do with car about from setting a school, others are; transportation business, UBER/BOLT, hire purchase, car renting etc. Write a driving school business plan.

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Requirement for starting a Driving School in Nigeria

1. Get Trained

You have to get some training especially on driving in other to know the dos and don’t.

Driving is a skillful thing and you can’t impact what you don’t have.

It is one thing to have knowledge of a thing but can you pass it on to others?

Ability to communicate is very necessary.

There are places you can get trained as a driving instructor example is AA company in Nigeria. Before FRSC will certify your driving school you must prove you are a trained instructor.

2. Register your school

You have to register your driving school just as you will register any other business.

Choose a business name that is appealing and approach CAC for the registration of the name.

Make sure you get approval from Federal Road Safety Commission, read down to see how to obtain certification from FRSC. You have to also get approval from the State Government where you setup your school because some states have their regulation on driving academy operation and issuance of license as well. After approval you can then pay a fee for the registration of your diving institution.

3. Secure Good Location

A very good location where you know the people around that environment are potential patronizers.

If you get a location where low income earners are the majority you already know what the outcome will be.

You have to identify other places to keep sign post for direction to your office.

If you have many cars position your branded car in strategic locations and pay someone to stay and register interested persons.

4. Purchase vehicle

Purchase vehicles that are strong, durable and are good for Nigerian roads.

You need both manual and automatic vehicles for the training.

However, you can start with what you have for the meantime.

Buy both automatic and manual operating vehicles but if you have limited funds,
go for manual.

Someone who have undergone training in manual driving can as well drive automatic easily. Some cars are made for Nigerian roads I will advice you go for such vehicle instead of fancy cars, Rugged vehicles are good for driving schools.

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5. Advertise your driving school business

The next thing to do is to advertise your driving school business don’t assume people will find you anyhow, use all available medium, including and especially social media. You can create an app if you have the means. Check out how Also driving school is all over the internet.

6. Make your Driving School Flexible

It will be in your best interest to draw a flexible driving plan.

A standard driving school offers 3 different packages which are;

Beginner class, Advanced and Refresher

Refresher class

Some people get trained by friends or family members on how to drive and because they need driving license will come to driving institution in other to get certificate to present to FRSC. And also others who used to drive before and only stopped for a while but want to refresh their minds. The cost for this is N15,000 and driving is for few days.

Advance class

It is for those who know the basics of driving but wants to increase proficiency.

In this age and time were people learn things from the internet it will be a good thing to do practicals.

Beginner’s class

This set of students are those who have never driven before, freshers that wants to learn from the scratch. The duration for training depends on the driving school but the least is 2 weeks (14 days).How to Register Driving School.

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How to get Certified by FRSC  for your Driving School

Every driving school in Nigeria and all over the world are required by law to register and get certified by authorities. This is to ensure uniformity, understanding and adopting to the ethics of driving in have to get approval from Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) before you can set up a driving academy. For you to get the certification you have not meet up with the requirement. Below are the materials needed in a driving academy.

  • Materials needed for certification
  • Administrative office/classroom
  • Vehicle that is roadworthy for training
  • Instructors
  • Manual
  • Traffic laws and regulations
  • High way code
  • First aid facilities
  • Road sign models
  • Driving range
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Visual/audio instructional aids

FRSC will come to inspect and assess your driving academy after filling and submitting your form.

Once you meet the criteria, approval and certificate will be you.

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Cost of starting a driving School

The cost of setting up a driving school in Nigeria depends on what you are considering.

For example, the number of cars to start with. If you already have a car, you will need an office, employ staff (drivers, admin etc.)

Driving Schools in Lagos

  • Heritage driving school
  • Innovative driving institute
  • Western driving
  • Medallion driving academy
  • The insight
  • I drive smart

Driving School in Abuja

There are many licensed driving institutions in Abuja, situated in different locations, the most popular one is Aso driving school. However, there are some areas that don’t have a single driving school, people have to pay transport from long distances to get training. They cluster in town and leave the people in the suburb to sort themselves out. Take advantage of this.

Is Owning a driving School Profitable?

The answer is yes, driving school business is profitable but it will also depend on your location and competition. If your driving school is in a very competitive environment were patronizers are less you may not make much money. But if it is situated in a place with high patronizers you will be smiling to the bank. Where I did my training the owner is making it big time.

There is no passing day without one applicant, he has increased the number of cars for training and employed more hands. Apart from the charges for the training, they sale handout, I bought mine #1,000. They also sell ‘L’ sign #1,000 for a pair, registration fee #500, give you a certificate after completing training, mine cost #3,000, also help you acquire license from FRSC for a fee..

To get drivers license all new applicants are expected to compulsorily attend driving academy before it can be given to them. Apart from obtaining driver’s license many people just want to have the knowledge of driving, these make driving business very profitable


Driving school business is profitable if you know how to run it successfully.

Don’t watch your car lay waste, use it for something profitable.

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